Useful Sites for Socio-Economic Data
The following sites provide access to socio-economic data in a variety of formats. Most of the links below will direct you to external Web sites.
Standard Data Profiles |
State & County Quick Facts | Easy access to current data for states, counties, and cities of 5,000 or more residents (U.S. Census Bureau) |
Data.Census.Gov | Detailed data from various household and economic survey programs (U.S. Census Bureau) |
USA Counties in Profile | Side-by-side and single-county profiles of population, housing, income, and other statistics (Stats America) |
State Fact Sheets | Statistics on population, income, education, employment, and farm characteristics (USDA Economic Research Service) |
Atlas of Rural and Small-Town America | County-level data and maps for over 60 socio-economic indicators (USDA Economic Research Service) |
Custom Data Sets |
Data.Census.Gov | Detailed data from U.S. Census Bureau household and economic surveys (U.S. Census Bureau) |
State Data Center of Iowa | Population, housing, business, and government statistics for Iowa |
U-Explore | Access to selected decennial census data from 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010 (Missouri Census Data Center) |
Bureau of Economic Analysis | Employment, income, and earnings data for counties, metro/micro areas, and states |
Bureau of Labor Statistics | Unemployment, employment, and earnings by for counties, states, and the nation |
FRED | Economic time series data sets (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis) |
Guides to Data Use |
Census Data Reporter | Resources for journalists and other users of U.S. Census Bureau data, including concepts, key word searches, and data profiles |
ACS Guidance | Handbooks, quick tips, and other resources for using American Community Survey data |
Maps |
Interactive mapping sites | Links to online mapping applications that display demographic and economic variables |
GIS shapefiles | Links to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) shapefiles and other geographic data |