Useful Sites for Socio-Economic Data

The following sites provide access to socio-economic data in a variety of formats.  Most of the links below will direct you to external Web sites.   

Standard Data Profiles

State & County Quick Facts Easy access to current data for states, counties, and cities of 5,000 or more residents
(U.S. Census Bureau)
Data.Census.Gov Detailed data from various household and economic survey programs
(U.S. Census Bureau)
USA Counties in Profile Side-by-side and single-county profiles of population, housing, income, and other statistics
(Stats America)
State Fact Sheets Statistics on population, income, education, employment, and farm characteristics
(USDA Economic Research Service)
Atlas of Rural and Small-Town America County-level data and maps for over 60 socio-economic indicators
(USDA Economic Research Service)

Custom Data Sets

Data.Census.Gov Detailed data from U.S. Census Bureau household and economic surveys
(U.S. Census Bureau)
State Data Center of Iowa Population, housing, business, and government statistics for Iowa
U-Explore Access to selected decennial census data from 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010
(Missouri Census Data Center)
Bureau of Economic Analysis Employment, income, and earnings data for counties, metro/micro areas, and states
Bureau of Labor Statistics Unemployment, employment, and earnings by for counties, states, and the nation
FRED Economic time series data sets
(Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)

Guides to Data Use

Census Data Reporter Resources for journalists and other users of U.S. Census Bureau data, including concepts, key word searches, and data profiles
ACS Guidance Handbooks, quick tips, and other resources for using American Community Survey data


Interactive mapping sites Links to online mapping applications that display demographic and economic variables
GIS shapefiles Links to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) shapefiles and other geographic data