Farm Employment

Source: Regional Economic Accounts, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Units: Number of full-time and part-time jobs as classified under SIC or NAICS (see notes below)
Additional data: Download historical annual series (1969-current) in Excel
Fips Area Name 1980 (SIC) 1990 (SIC) 2000 (SIC) 2010 2014
00000 United States 3,798,000 3,153,000 3,117,000 2,636,000 2,643,000
19000 State of Iowa 161,699 130,807 109,851 91,009 87,080
19001 Adair 1,389 1,143 995 772 738
19003 Adams 1,005 856 656 562 473
19005 Allamakee 1,859 1,470 1,313 1,073 1,034
19007 Appanoose 1,109 1,026 913 666 679
19009 Audubon 1,283 1,051 821 679 652
19011 Benton 2,262 1,764 1,400 1,206 1,172
19013 Black Hawk 1,963 1,568 1,191 894 879
19015 Boone 1,517 1,163 928 885 878
19017 Bremer 1,701 1,393 1,137 954 946
19019 Buchanan 1,878 1,720 1,377 1,144 1,076
19021 Buena Vista 1,671 1,353 1,039 898 852
19023 Butler 1,902 1,540 1,342 1,201 1,123
19025 Calhoun 1,488 1,143 929 798 743
19027 Carroll 2,030 1,657 1,378 1,121 1,085
19029 Cass 1,466 1,173 940 718 673
19031 Cedar 1,887 1,459 1,119 978 917
19033 Cerro Gordo 1,474 1,122 987 733 707
19035 Cherokee 1,625 1,325 1,020 816 785
19037 Chickasaw 1,561 1,325 1,254 1,032 991
19039 Clarke 906 783 860 615 601
19041 Clay 1,427 1,049 789 759 696
19043 Clayton 2,799 2,391 2,064 1,636 1,569
19045 Clinton 2,334 1,865 1,476 1,242 1,170
19047 Crawford 2,138 1,718 1,210 930 923
19049 Dallas 1,585 1,354 1,170 1,052 1,035
19051 Davis 1,108 1,100 1,099 866 865
19053 Decatur 963 829 879 687 678
19055 Delaware 2,419 2,053 1,685 1,513 1,410
19057 Des Moines 1,126 876 743 556 567
19059 Dickinson 944 721 553 468 421
19061 Dubuque 2,741 2,516 1,976 1,536 1,505
19063 Emmet 953 721 610 512 475
19065 Fayette 2,572 2,067 1,691 1,386 1,319
19067 Floyd 1,545 1,184 1,127 952 908
19069 Franklin 1,739 1,227 1,005 907 850
19071 Fremont 1,223 867 660 501 495
19073 Greene 1,468 1,156 864 778 757
19075 Grundy 1,637 1,218 919 802 747
19077 Guthrie 1,465 1,284 1,133 905 814
19079 Hamilton 1,763 1,254 1,114 952 857
19081 Hancock 1,591 1,265 1,000 970 928
19083 Hardin 1,766 1,377 1,121 1,018 920
19085 Harrison 1,617 1,209 1,045 791 786
19087 Henry 1,252 1,000 939 819 822
19089 Howard 1,473 1,182 1,099 929 915
19091 Humboldt 1,149 877 733 559 530
19093 Ida 1,199 968 743 611 598
19095 Iowa 1,674 1,335 1,428 1,070 958
19097 Jackson 2,164 1,829 1,579 1,198 1,194
19099 Jasper 2,148 1,756 1,467 1,100 1,070
19101 Jefferson 1,152 921 897 653 610
19103 Johnson 1,996 1,660 1,475 1,304 1,312
19105 Jones 1,975 1,524 1,221 1,049 977
19107 Keokuk 1,650 1,256 1,179 968 917
19109 Kossuth 2,735 2,163 1,643 1,352 1,273
19111 Lee 1,495 1,210 1,059 867 846
19113 Linn 2,340 1,947 1,683 1,377 1,359
19115 Louisa 939 723 760 613 579
19117 Lucas 930 785 856 613 591
19119 Lyon 1,851 1,585 1,302 1,236 1,181
19121 Madison 1,483 1,286 1,203 949 930
19123 Mahaska 1,806 1,463 1,219 985 955
19125 Marion 1,629 1,359 1,182 950 988
19127 Marshall 1,678 1,353 1,095 919 869
19129 Mills 1,041 804 522 512 480
19131 Mitchell 1,447 1,188 1,090 913 873
19133 Monona 1,449 1,107 801 568 522
19135 Monroe 899 888 809 587 574
19137 Montgomery 1,134 885 740 596 546
19139 Muscatine 1,339 1,044 898 744 700
19141 O'Brien 1,867 1,525 1,126 877 823
19143 Osceola 1,103 916 759 693 594
19145 Page 1,771 1,367 999 740 723
19147 Palo Alto 1,449 1,068 920 874 847
19149 Plymouth 2,693 2,233 1,686 1,414 1,337
19151 Pocahontas 1,445 1,182 844 756 705
19153 Polk 1,541 1,126 933 732 722
19155 Pottawattamie 2,512 1,981 1,437 1,134 1,123
19157 Poweshiek 1,624 1,312 1,173 986 911
19159 Ringgold 1,040 878 861 658 636
19161 Sac 1,654 1,367 1,022 973 975
19163 Scott 1,621 1,234 900 780 727
19165 Shelby 1,678 1,402 1,130 898 865
19167 Sioux 3,217 2,950 2,305 2,124 1,930
19169 Story 1,773 1,319 1,166 986 943
19171 Tama 2,184 1,698 1,377 1,097 1,052
19173 Taylor 1,171 978 959 731 661
19175 Union 1,048 882 800 644 636
19177 Van Buren 1,131 921 942 715 693
19179 Wapello 1,166 951 932 664 661
19181 Warren 1,815 1,593 1,440 1,147 1,205
19183 Washington 1,812 1,484 1,315 1,138 1,097
19185 Wayne 990 903 862 726 655
19187 Webster 1,963 1,466 1,121 1,038 968
19189 Winnebago 1,180 879 734 716 636
19191 Winneshiek 2,689 2,191 1,877 1,615 1,631
19193 Woodbury 2,139 1,711 1,447 1,067 994
19195 Worth 1,130 816 682 590 572
19197 Wright 1,367 1,041 948 991 890


  • Farm employment is the number of workers engaged in the direct production of agricultural commodities, either livestock or crops; whether as a sole proprietor, partner, or hired laborer.
  • Full-time and part-time jobs are counted equally.
  • Data for 2000 and earlier may not be directly comparable to more recent data due to changes in the classification of jobs by industry sector.  These changes were associated with the 2001 implementation of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), which replaced the older Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system.
  • Historical data are subject to revision by BEA.
  • Last BEA update:  November 2015